Office公证机关 notary public公证人 public notary公证证明 notarial certification公职 public office公众假期 public holi
公共开支 public expenditure
公共性 public character
公共帐目的审计制度 system for auditing public accounts
公共政策 public policy
公共政策的原则 principle of public policy
公共秩序 public order
公共主管当局 competent authority
公积金 public accumulation funds
公检法public security organs,procuratorial organs and people's courts
公开 disclose
公开聆讯方式 public hearing
公开审理 public hearing
公民 citizen
公民劳动义务 civic duty to work
公平 fair
公司 enterprise
公司存在期限 duration of company
公司章程 Articles of Association
公诉 public prosecution
公诉机关 public prosecution organ
公诉人 public prosecutor
公诉书 bill of indictment
公务人员 public official
公有制 public ownership system
公约国 Convention country
公约证明书 Convention certificates
公证承付 notarial act of honour
公证会计师办事处 Notarial Accountants' Office
公证机关 notary public
公证人 public notary
公证证明 notarial certification
公职 public office
公众假期 public holiday
公众假日 public holiday
公众利益 public advantage
供认 confession
供述 confession
供销合作社 supply and marketing co-operative
共负盈亏 share profits and losses
共谋 collude
共青团中央 The Central Committee of the Communist Young League
共识政府 Government by consensus
共同被告人 co-defendant
共同财产 common property
共同犯罪 joint offence
共同纲领 common programme
共同权利 ajoint right
共同实施违法行为 jointly committed the offence
共同误解 common mistake
共同原告 co-plaintiff
共同债务 joint debts
共享软件 shareware
勾结 collude
构成要件 constitutive requirements
估计 assess
股东大会 stock-holder meeting
股份有限公司 stock limited company
固定资产 fixed capital
故意 intention
故意的动机 intentional motive
故意破坏公私财物罪 crime of intentionally sabotaging public or private property
故意杀人罪 crime of intentional homicide
故意伤害 intentional injury
故意伤害致人死亡 intentional infliction of bodily injury resulting in a person's death
故意伤害致死罪 crime of intentionally injuring another which resulted in death
故意伤害罪 crime of intentional injury
故意投毒 spreading poison with intent
雇佣合同 emplcyment contract
寡妇 widow
挂靠 be subordinate to
挂牌公司 company-in-name
拐卖人口罪 crime of abducting and trafficking human beings
关键 pivotal issue
关税壁垒 customs barrier
关系恶化 worsening of relations
关系过远 remote
关押 custody
关员级人员 customs officer
官僚主义 bureaucracy
官职 public office
管卡压 interference, obstruction and oppression
法律英语词汇短语大全 6 马上get起来[灵光一闪]