
(参见actus nonfacit reum, nisi mens sit rea)mutatis mutandis 准用(mute-tay-tiss mute-and-iss)nec vi, nec


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ab initio 自始

(ab in-ish-ee-oh)

e.g., A trust set up by a trader, with the intention of defrauding his creditors will be void ab initio.


actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea 无犯意则无犯罪

act-uss non fakkit ray-um, nigh-sigh menz sit ray-ah)

ad litem 为诉讼之目的

(ad light-em)

e.g., A guardian ad litem is appointed by the court to defend the interests of infants in litigation. On and after 26 April 1999, under the Civil Procedure Rules, guardians ad litem, as next friends, are together referred to as ‘litigation friends’.


amicus curiae 法庭之友

(a-meek-uss cure-ee-eye)

a priori 先验的,演绎推理

(ae pry-or-eye

e.g., If all Romans are men, and if Caesar is a Roman, then a priori Caesar is a man.


audi alteram partem 听取另一方的陈词

(ow-die al-tare-emm part-emm)

autrefois acquit/convict 原以无罪开释/一罪不二罚【法律法语】

(out-rer fwar a-quit/convict)


autre vie 他人的生命【法律法语】

out-rer vee)

e.g., A gift of land can be made to X pur autre vie (that is, to be X’s As long as another person, Y, shall live).

在某人生存期间(pur autre vie)将土地赠与X(也就是说,在Y生存期间该土地属于X)。

causa causans 直接原因,近因

(co-czar co-sanz)

e.g., If X sells a bullet, Y sells a gun and Z shoots and thereby kills somebody with the bullet from the gun, we would say that Z’s action was the causa causans of the victim’s death.


causa sine qua non 必要原因、条件(译者注)

(co-czarsigh-nigh kwarr none

继续上面的例子,我们会说X和Y的行为是杀人的必要条件(the actions of X and Y were causae sine qua non of the killing)。也就是说,没有这些行动,杀人行为就不会发生。

caveat emptor 买者自慎之

(kav-ee-at empt-or)


certiorari 调卷令


一种行政法特权命令,据此下级法院或法庭的决定被撤销 [例如,当一项决定在越权(ultra vires)的情况下做出时]。

certum est quod certum reddi potest 凡能使之确定者,即为确定

(sir-tumm esst quadsir-tumm red-dee poh-test)


cestui que trust 信托受益人


chose in actionshows in action



compos mentis(kommp-oss meant-iss)


contra proferentem 不利于提供者/受益者(用于书面文件的解释,意为文件中的模棱两可之处应作最不利于起草者或文件提供者的阐释,译者注)

(kontra prow-far-ent -em)


cujus est solum ejus est usque ad coelem et ad infernos 土地所有人之所有权及于地底及土地上空

(coo-juss esst sole-um eh-juice esst uss-key add sea-lem ett add in-fair-noss)


curia advisari vult 法庭将考虑

(cure-ear advise-airy vulltt)

意为“法庭将考虑”。指当案件涉新的疑难问题时,法庭将推迟作出判决,直到对该问题的考虑趋于成熟。相关报告通常会包含如下缩写:cur adv vult, or cur ad vult.

cy-près 最相近原则



decree nisi 暂时判决



de facto 事实上的

(dee (or day) fact-owe/dee (or day) jury)

(法律意义上的)事实上,实际上。例句:虽然他并不是董事会中的一员,但这位大老板是这家公司的实际控制人 ( in de facto control of the company)。

delegatus non potest delegare 代理人不得转让其受托权限

(dell-leg-art-uss none poh-test dell-leg-are-ee)


de minimis non curat lex 裁判官不干涉琐事

(dee (or day) mini-muss none cure-at lecks)


devise 不动产遗赠



donatio mortis causa 临终赠与

(dough-nay sh-ee-owe (or dough-nar-tea-owe) more-tiss co-czar (or core-czar))


ejusdem generis 同类解释规则

(ay-juiced-emm jenner-iss)


en ventre sa mère 胎儿

(on vonnt-rah Sam-err)


ex abundanti cautela 出于充分的慎重

(eggs a-bun-dan-tie co-tea-la)


ex parte 一方缺席

(eggs party)


(1)诉讼是由本身并非为诉讼当事人的一方提起的。例如,R v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Brind [1991] AC 696。此时,“ex parte”在文本中通常被缩写为“ex p”;

(2)一方当事人在另一方当事人缺席的情况下提起诉讼。通常用于为制止家庭暴力而申请紧急禁令的案件。1999年4月26日及以后,根据1999年《民事诉讼规则》, “ex parte”通常指“未通知(另一方)而提出的申请”。

expressio unius est exclusio alterius 明示其一则排除其他

(eggs-press-she-owe you-knee-uss esst eggs-clue-zee-owe ollt-erree-uss)


ex tempore 当时,当刻

(eggs temmp-ore-ee)

当时,当刻。例如,“an ex tempore judgment”是指在听证结束后立即作出的当庭判决。(与之相反,“the reversed judgment”是听证结束一段时间后作出的判决,这意味着允许法官有更多时间考虑判决的措辞)。

ex turpi causa non oritur actio 违背道德则不生诉权

(eggs tare-pay co-czar none ore-retter ack-she-owe)


habeas corpus 人身保护令

(hay-bee-ass (or hab-bee-ass) core-puss)


ibid/ibidem 在同一页上

(ibb-idd/ ibb-idd-demm)


ignorantia juris non excusat 对法律的不知不得作为抗辩理由

(ignore-ansh-ear jaw-riss none eggs-cue-zat)


in banc 全院庭审

(inn bonk)

在1873–1875年的《司法组织法》[英] 之前,这些程序是财税法庭、王座法庭和民诉法庭的开庭程序,其目的是确定法律问题,而不是事实问题。

in camera/in curia 非公开庭审

(inn camera /cure-ear)


in extenso 完全的,详尽的

(in eggs-tents-so)


in lieu 代替、取代

(inn lyuw)

e.g., It is possible for a claimant to accept damages in lieu of specific performance.

申请人可能通过接受赔偿金这种救济方式来替代 ( in lieu of ) 要求合同的实际履行。

in loco parentis 替代父母的地位,担当起父母的权利与责任

(inn low-co pair-entiss)


e.g., A guardian is said to stand in loco parentis to the child in his or her care.


in pari delicto 具有同等过失

(inn parry day-licked-toe)


in pari materia 关于相同的问题

(inn parry mat-ee-rear)


in personam 对人

(inn purse-own-em)

对人诉讼。例如,X对Y提出了一项 in personam 诉讼请求,意味着X向 Y本人提起该权利主张。这一术语通常与对物的诉讼请求(in rem)形成对比,后者是针对被告所有之财产提出的诉讼请求。

in rem 对物

(inn remm (or inn raym))


in specie 以同样的方式

(inn spee-she-ee (or inns pea-sea))

以其本身种类的形式。例如,以股票份额为单位(in specie of)的股息,是指以股票份额的形式支付的股息。

inter alia 除其他外

(inn-tare ale-iee-yerr)


inter vivos 生前赠与

(inn-tare vie-voss (or vee-voss) (or vee-vowz))

意为“自然人间的赠与行为,生前赠与”。生前赠与(inter vivos)与遗嘱赠予(通过遗嘱作出并在立遗嘱人/立遗嘱人死亡时生效的赠与)相对。

intra vires 在权限内

(inn-tra vie-reez (or vee-reez))

参见ultra vires。如果某行为处于行为人的合法权力范围之内,则称该行为“在权限内”。

ipso facto 根据事实本身

(ipp-so fact-owe)


e.g., If Romans are never Greeks then ipso facto Greeks are never Romans.

如果罗马人不是希腊人,那么事实上(ipso facto)希腊人也永远不可能是罗马人。

lex posterior derogate legi priori 后法废止前法

(lecks posterior derr-rogue-att pry-or-eye)

locus standi 站立处,出庭权,陈述权

(low-cuss stand-eye)


mala fi des 恶意

(malla fye-deez (or fee-dies or fi e/fee-days))

主观恶意。参见 bona fide

mandamus 执行职务令

man-day-muss (or man dar-muss)。


mens rea 犯罪意图

(menz rear)

一种被法律认定为“犯罪”的心理状态,字面意思是“主观故意”,偶尔也会引申至“主观的重大过失”。(参见actus nonfacit reum, nisi mens sit rea

mutatis mutandis 准用

(mute-tay-tiss mute-and-iss

nec vi, nec clam, nec precario 非暴力,非欺瞒,非勉强

(neck-vee neck-clam neck pray-car-Rio)

For a person successfully to claim adverse possession of another ’s land, or to claim an easement or profit by prescription as of right, they must show that they have acquired their right without force, concealment or permission.


nemo dat quod non habet 自己无有者,不得与人

(nemmo dat kwodd non habbett)


nisi prius 除非以前

(nigh-sigh pry-uss

noscitur a sociis 同类规则

(noss-set-ur so-sea-iss)


novus actus interveniens 新介入的行为

(no-vuss act-uss inn-tare-venn-ee-enz)

The intervening act of another person may break the chain of causation otherwise linking one to a result. Here is a poser: A man has enough water to survive a desert crossing but one night X poisons his water with poison certainly strong enough to kill him. Later that night, Y steals the traveler’s water. The next day the traveler dies in the desert heat. Can you spot the novus actus interveniens?


obiter dictum 附带意见

(oh-bit-err Dick-tumm)

a saying which is ‘by the way’ in a judgment

判决中 "顺便说"的一种说法。

onus probandi 证明责任

(oh-nuss pro-band-eye)

In a criminal trial, the onus probandi is almost always on the prosecution in relation to all matters alleged by it. (See, for instance, Woolmington v Director of Public Prosecutions [1932] AC 462.)

在刑事审判中,就控方所指控的所有事项而言,举证责任几乎总是在控方身上。(例如,见Woolmington v Director of Public Prosecutions [1932] AC 462)。

pari passu 同等地;同步地

(parry pass-you (or pass-oo))

e.g., a fund divided pari passu is divided equally.


per curiam 由法庭全体(同意)

(pair cure-ee-amm)

per incuriam 由于缺乏谨慎;由于粗心大意

(pair ink-cure-ee-amm)

without the court’s knowledge.


per stirpes 按家系

(pair stair-peas)


pro bono publico 为公益,为公众福利

(pro bone-owe pub-leak-owe)

profi ts à prendre 共同用益权;在他人土地上的用益权

(profi ts a prond-rer)

In land law, the right to take from another ’s land something, which occurs there naturally.


proprivato commodo 为了私人的便利

(pro priv-art-owe kom-oh-dough)

pro rata 按比例;按份额

(pro rar-tar)

puisne 年轻的;辈分低的;资历浅的;(地位、级别等)较低的;初级的


e.g., A puisne mortgage is a legal mortgage which is not protected by a deposit of deeds and which must be registered to be protected.

e.g., Judges of the High Court of Justice are sometimes referred to as puisne judges.


quantum meruit 应得额;合理金额

(kwont-umm may-rue-it)

For example, a court may award money on a quantum meruit basis to a person who has worked for another ’s benefit under the legitimate expectation that they would be paid.


quicquid plantatur solo, solo cedit 附着于土地上之物,皆属于土地

(quick-quid plant-a-tour so-low, so-low seed-it)


quid pro quo 补偿物;相等物;一物对一物

(quid pro kwow)

For example, contractual consideration is a quid pro quo.


ratio decidendi 判决依据

(ray-she-owe dess-id-den-dee (or den-die))

re ree (or ray) 在……案件中;就……而论;关于

rebus sic stantibus 情势变更

(ree-bus sick stann-tea-bus)

matters standing thus. Where an authority is laid down rebus sic stantibus, it is said to be a binding authority only so long as those relevant conditions continue to prevail which existed at the time the authority was laid down. It is a term more usually applied in public international law as a means by which one nation-state will, often unilaterally, purport to avoid the binding effect of a treaty (see the answer to Question 4.14).


Regina 女王;女王称号


the Queen (abbreviated to ‘Reg’ or ‘R’). Note, however, that this may be pronounced ‘the Crown’. See Rex, the masculine equivalent.

女王(简写为‘Reg’或‘R’)。但请注意,这可能被读作“the Crown”。见Rex,男版的对应词。

res ipsa loquitur 事实不言自明

(ray-zip-ssa lock-quitter)

例如:如果两辆由陌生人驾驶的汽车在一条原本无人的道路上发生碰撞,事实本身就说明了问题(the facts speak for themselves):其中一名司机存在疏忽大意。

Rex wrecks 国王


salus populi est suprema lex 人民之安宁乃最高之律法

(sall-uss pop-you-lie esst supreme-alex)


stare decisis 因循前例;遵循先例

(stay-ree (or starry) decease-iss)

sub judice 在审判中;正在审理而尚未裁决;未决审理

(sub Judy-sea (or dew-decay))

sui generis 独特的;特殊的;自成一类的

(ss-you-ee (or swee) jenner-iss)


sui juris (罗马法)自权人

(ss-you-ee (or swee) jaw-riss)


testator/testatrix 立遗嘱的男人/立遗嘱的女人



ultra vires 越权;越权原则

(ull-tra vye-reez (or vee-reez))

beyond the power. 越权。

e.g., Acts of governmental bodies may be subjected to judicial review if made ultra vires. (The opposite of ultra vires is intra vires.)

政府机构的行为如果越权,可能会受到司法审查。(越权的反义词是权限以内intra vires)

verbatim 逐字逐句地


volenti nonfit injuria 自担风险

(voll-en-tea none fi t in-your-ee-a)


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